Ok Girls I wanted to share with you a great site I recently found. ThePinkBook.com it is the ultimate online wedding planning resource. Their goal is to help you plan that fairytale wedding. There are a variety of categories to choose from in which you can get some great advice. Even if you aren't getting married you can find some really great information. It is definitely a site worth checking out.
Even BETTER they are doing a giveaway to one lucky reader who will win a total party package set from none other than our very own Social Couture! These parties range from $100 to $300 and you will be able to choose ANY party you want! So, when you get a chance be sure and check out www.thepinkbookblog.blogspot.com and be sure to write a comment on their blog regarding anything from bridal shower theme ideas, to games or recipes! (this enters you into the contest - you have until MAY 12th to enter). Oh and this week we are offering a 15% discount to all who enter the couture code PINKLADY in honor of the pinkbook.com and the current contest. So, either way you can be a winner. Have fun and Good Luck!
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