Photo by ChildLinkFoundation.org
For parents and caregivers of multiple children, keeping the peace among siblings can seem like a full-time job in and of itself. Siblings may fight for a parent’s attention, they may fight over a toy, or they may fight because their developmental levels are so different from one another that it’s hard for them to relate to each other. If siblings have opposing temperaments, such as when one is laid back and one craves a rigid routine, they may also bicker constantly because they are simply wired differently, making it hard for them to connect.
Fortunately there are things parents and caregivers can do to help keep the peace among siblings.
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Balloons, streamers, and games galore are the hallmark of a child’s birthday party, but they aren’t the only components. How do you plan the perfect event for your little angel? By following these steps you can plan a party to be remembered.
Step one: Decide on a theme. If your child is very young you can create a party around their favorite toy. Another popular option for a baby’s first birthday is to match the theme of their party to the theme of their nursery. As the child gets older they can help you decide what the theme should be based on what they like. Once you have a theme, party details will start to fall into place.
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I can't believe it's been almost a week since I posted anything...I think the holidays are starting to get to me early this year - it's definitely been a busy one! My "To Do" lists are getting longer and longer. OK, I have been going through magazines, blogs and websites looking for some fun Halloween treats and I found a couple of good ones...hope you enjoy these.
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